QuestionHow are divisions set up?

We set up divisions depending on the number of teams for any given year, but when we have enough teams, these are our divisions:

B Division – for Kindergarten – 2nd grade, first time quizzers.
I Division – 1st – 6th grade. Can be first time quizzers. This division is less “intense”.
A Division – 1st – 6th grade. High level of competition. Usually returning quizzers but can be first time quizzers.

QuestionCan our kids quiz 2 seasons in the B Division?

No. The B division only studies half of the questions, so it is designed for 1 year of quizzing. The team can move into the I Division.

QuestionDo all Divisions study the same questions?

No. The A and I Divisions study the same questions, but the B Division question sets are different.

QuestionHow many quizzers can be on a team?

You have to have at least 2 quizzers but you can have as many as 8 quizzers.  I do suggest if you have more than 6 quizzers that you divide into 2 teams so every quizzer gets lots of buzzer time.